Jungle Hike

Carate Daytime Jungle/ Night Beach and Road Hike

 These are 2 hour hikes either during the daytime, or after dark. The Carate area offers a variety of ecosystems to explore by day and by night, including lowland tropical rainforest, montane jungle, costal habitats, and the Pejeperrita watershed with it’s rivers and waterfalls. Each has some wildlife and vegetation specific to its location, and all are concentrated withing walking distance of Playa Lapa. A professional bilingual guide will show you monkeys, birds, reptiles, anteaters, and smaller mammals by day, with the use of a spotting scope.  By night he will take you to colorful tree frogs in the wet seasons, as well as Halloween crabs, turtles on the beach, and crocodiles in the lagoon. You may see a cougar which is active during the day, or the tapir who comes out to feed at night.
Tour w/ bilingual guide . Cost TBA, minimum of 2.