Horse Back Riding

This is a 2 hour tour, departing from Playa Lapa, and covering Carate beach, the lagoon area, Shady Lane and Carate road.  The horses will arrive with a guide to the beach gate of Playa Lapa, and will return to the same.  This tour can also depart from the Hacienda Rio Oro, to investigate the larger lagoon, jungle and fields, with some pre columbian ruins.  It is a 30 minute drive by car to the hacienda, where your guide will meet you.  Alternatively, you can depart from Playa Lapa and ride to the Hacienda, with a shuttle back to the Casa. You will definitely see monkeys and birds, possibly the tapir and other smaller mammals. Wear long pants and sturdy shoes, bring repellent, water, and your camera.
Cost TBA, minimum of 2.  Shuttle from the Hacienda is $10/ person.